During my career as an actor, I founded a Shakespeare company (performance & school workshops) for which I was producer, director, costumer, teacher, and handled all marketing and PR. After doing all of the design and publicity, I went back to school in Graphic Design which led me to the following, wonderful clients:
An opportunity to re-build a Library and develop a brand worthy of the new architecture. I also designed and built (in Dreamweaver, no templates) the website which has since been changed.
As Senior Designer, I was fortunate to design materials for a World Class Orchestra and many highly regarded musicians and organizations.
As a seasonal designer I got to work with a fun bunch and drink in the music and surrounding trees that make Ravinia so magical.
Having worked as an actor for over 30 years, this was my opportunity to give back by doing pro-bono projects for one of my unions.
Work as a freelance artist for this museum gave me access to so much rich Chicago history. The images and information were wonderfully stimulating.
A magnificently beautiful place to go to work every day. My first in-house design position and one I will always cherish.